Sarah Jaffe is a musician that you don't find very often in the music world. Being that she is a singer/songwriter, you'd expect that she's be trying to compete and break out as a competitor amongst her peers, but rather she seems to be a bit more anti-establishment. Her music, definitely not defined as traditional pop, has a bit of a mid-nineties college rock and alternative folk feel to it and her energy is more subdued. In her words and her voice you can hear her deep connection to the music she has created. Jaffe is one of those unique souls that pays close attention to detail when creating music, not playing to the things that will get her heard, but rather the things that will get her noticed. Her single "Clementine" will do incredibly well at radio due to the fact that it is like nothing that the women in the music industry are putting forth these days. Her debut full length album is deserving of praise and multiple listens as it is a hands down incredible album.