Jesse Harris is one of the most underappreciated and talented musicians around. The fact that he was courageous enough to release two brand new albums in the span of a few weeks shows that he's not afraid to be himself and make music on his own terms. That being said, the second of the two new releases is a completely instrumental album that leaves no where for Harris to hide. He has put his heart and soul down to tape more than ever before, and allowed his musical talents as a performer and an arranger to be showcased as the main focus of the music, rather than the backdrop for his incredible lyrics. Sure, he did win a Grammy for his lyrics, but it's the music that he creates to go along with those lyrics that sometimes gets left in the dust. This time Harris brings the listener more into his world than ever, and should be commended for doing it in such a way that not only shows his talents as a jazz musician, but celebrates them in every way possible.