When a band puts in the time and energy on the road, and grinds it out in the studio, and shamelessly promotes itself by any means necessary, they deserve success. Benjy Davis Project has finally reached the plateau in which this success is finally going to come to fruition. This album is the culmination of a lot of hard work and time spent making it happen, both in the studio and on the road. On this album they have managed to include their best song to date in the first single "Stay With Me," a southern soulful rocker that is ready to rise to the top of the charts. "Get High" and "Check Your Pocket" are sure to become fan favorites and find their way into most of BDP's setlists for years to come. Throughout the album, Benjy Davis Project shows off all their different faces from county to soul to blues to straight up rock and roll. Each song has its own strengths and as a whole, the album is incredibly solid. It is so good it is surely going to find itself on the top of many best of lists by the end of the year.