Side projects are never really supposed to end up being bigger than a musician's main project. Don't tell that to Dave
Grohl; his Foo Fighters became way bigger than Nirvana was (but had Cobain not died, who knows). Regardless, it seems that yet again the side project has become a bigger entity and Damon
Albarn's Gorillaz have managed to make another stunning album.
Albarn, who's day job is Blur (huge in the UK, not as big in the US), assembled a team to create
Gorillaz's third release that included guest appearances by some heavy hitters: Mos Def, Snoop
Dogg, and Lou Reed. One possibly considered a one hit wonder, they became known for their hits "Feel Good Inc." and "Clint Eastwood,"
Gorillaz are out to show that they have staying power. Their new single "
Stylo" is going to make that happen. Coupled by a music video featuring Bruce Willis, "
Stylo" (with guest vocals by Mos Def and Bobby
Womack) is the centerpiece of this album which is less electronic and more rock 'n' roll, with a sprinkle of soul and hip hop throughout. This album is reminiscent of the animated group's groundbreaking debut, and truly not a novelty or a gimmick as the band may once have been considered.
Gorillaz are for real, even if the entire band is nothing but a bunch of cartoon characters.